G.A.R. Hall & Museum News

“Rocky to Rock Solid” : Lincoln and Seward

Please join us on Thursday, March 13th at 7pm at LCTV, 181 Union St. Lynn for the Civil War Round Table presentation. Our speaker is David A. Kelly, U.S. Naval War College, speaking on the Lincoln–Seward relationship 1861–1862: “Rocky to Rock Solid.” You can also join...

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Lecture: “Gettysburg, Off the Beaten Path”

Join us this Thursday, January 9 at 7pm for a lecture by Kristopher White, “Gettysburg, Off the Beaten Path.” Mr White takes us to little-known places on the battlefield such as Bliss Farm, Acheson Rock, and Brinkerhoff Ridge. Meet at LCTV, 181 Union St. Lynn or Zoom...

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Monthly Meeting on Thursday, November 14

We will have our monthly meeting Thursday 11/14/24 at 7:00pm. We will meet at Lynn Community TV at 181 Union Street. Our guest speaker is Chris Mackowski. If you cannot make it in person, join us on Zoom.

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Frederick Lander’s Pre-Civil War Achievements

Frederick Lander, Scientist of the Day from the Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering and Technology Find out why Frederick Lander’s pioneering work in the American West was so impactful, and why the famous painter Albert Bierstadt honored Lander with his...

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New Season of Lectures Begins!

Join the General Lander Civil War Round Table meeting this coming Thursday 9/12 at 7pm. Presenter is John Warner on “The Army of the James as part of Grant’s Overland Campaign” at LCTV, 181 Union St. in Lynn, or on Zoom:...

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GAR Trustees accepting applications for Board of Directors

The GAR Trustees had a table with the Community Survey during “Lynnside Out 2024.” From left to right in photo: Obed Matul, Ward 2 councilor; Bradley Gosselin, GAR Trustee, Wendy Joseph, curator, GAR, and Pat Lee, GAR Trustee. We are also happy to announce that...

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GAR Revitalization Project Groundbreaking

Lynn Community Television News covered the groundbreaking celebration for our Revitalization Project that took place on May 6, 2024. Find their report here: https://lynntv.org/watch-online/video/lctv-news-gar-revitalization-project-groundbreaking-may-3-2024/

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General Lander CWRT meeting at the LCTV

It's that time again! We will hold our General Lander CWRT meeting at the LCTV, 181 Union St., Lynn, Mass. on Thursday, May 9 at 7:00pm. Our speaker is Andrew Rapoza. He will be speaking on "The Redemption of Richard F. Andres, Arsonist.” Join us in person, or...

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Presentation: The Civil War at Perryville

Please join us next Thursday, April 11 at 7pm to hear a talk by Christopher Kolakowski, the Director of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum. In person at LCTV 181 Union St. in Lynn, or via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81035293516?pwd=WjVMY3RGaVFFTFR4QXlSMHdSd2FHZz09.

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“Critical Race Theory and the American Civil War”

This just in! Watch our new video “Critical Race Theory and the American Civil War” with Round Table Vice President Robert Foster. Lecturer Robert Foster discusses how we use Critical Race theory to understand the cause of the American Civil War, 1861–1865. Watch...

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George Washington and the French and Indian War / lecture

Please join our free lecture Thursday Feb 8 at 7pm at LCTV, 181 Union St., Lynn, or on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87609650781?pwd=Y0VZazlacjBwS21IeVpGUHJLUFhMQT09 Writer Scott Patchan will speak on George Washington and the French and Indian War.

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“Critical Race Theory and the Civil War”

A lecture presented by Robert Foster on Jan. 10th Join us Thursday, January 10th for the Second Friday lecture series at LCTV, 181 Union St. Lynn at 7pm. Robert Foster will speak on "Critical Race Theory and the Civil War." Or join us on Zoom:...

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Civil War Memorial Service (Oct. 4, 2023) | LCTV News

A Civil War Memorial Service was held on October 4, 2023 in the Civil War section of Pine Grove Cemetery. The Sons of Union Veterans honored those who served during the Civil War with speeches, a color guard, Living Historian Michael Crutcher as Frederick Douglass,...

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“Defending Democracy” event discussion on LCTV

Watch GAR curator Wendy Joseph and Lynn Museum Executive Director Doneeca Thurston on the Lynn Community television show “The American Dream” with attorney Jim Carrigan speak about the upcoming Defending Democracy event October 4th at Lynn City Hall auditorium....

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Civil War Photojournalism

Selections from the Medford Historical Society & Museum’s Civil War Photo Collection Co-sponsored by the GAR Hall & Museum of Lynn Thursday, October 12, 7:00 pm at the Medford Public Library, 111 High Street, Medford, MA Encounter Medford Historical...

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Reading Frederick Douglass Together

Please join our friends the North Shore Juneteenth Association for a Community Celebration with Frederick Douglass’ speech “What to the Slave is the 4th of July” Monday, July 3rd 11 AM at Frederick Douglass Park, at the corner of Union and Exchange St., Lynn.

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Celebrating Veterans at GAR Hall and Museum on 24 June 2023

On June 24th the GAR Hall & Museum presents a day for all veterans to come together and celebrate. Family members and non-veterans are also welcome to attend. From 2pm – 5pm we will have raffles, music, food, tours, presentations, photo booth, swag giveaways and a...

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Lecture: “Defending Henry Wirtz”

Please join our in-person lecturer David Kellyas he presents “Defending Henry Wirtz”this Friday 5/12 at 7:00 pm at 58 Andrew St in Lynn. Or join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88914004344?pwd=a0VMNkZCZ3NDZXB4VlczVk1GTWtTdz09

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“I Can’t Wait to Call You My Wife”

Please join our Friends at the Massachusetts Historical Society on Wednesday, April 26th at 6:00 pm for their program “ ‘I Can’t Wait to Call You My Wife’: African American letters of Love & Family in the Civil War Era.” Read about it here:...

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A Grand Project for the Grand Army Student Researchers

Grand Army of the Republic Hall and Museum curator Wendy Joseph helps Lynn Classical student Allyson De leon dig through Ancestry.com in search of the genealogy of a Lynn Civil War veteran. (Spenser Hasak) Lynn Classical students are tracking down descendants of Civil...

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Museum Tour with Robert Matthias on 12/9/22

On December 9, 2022 Robert Matthias, Curator Emeritus and GAR Trustee hosted a tour of the Grand Army of the Republic Hall & Museum in Lynn, Mass. We captured the entire event on video so you can watch it on YouTube or on our Videos page. If anyone knows the...

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We’re #1!

The Grand Army of the Republic Hall and Museum is #1 in Lynn Main Streets’ list of places to visit! https://www.lynnmainstreets.org/visit →

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G.A.R. Hall Open House, Sat. Sept. 25

G.A.R. Hall Open House, Sat. Sept. 25

The Trustees of the GAR present the Grand Army of the Republic Trails and Sails Open House on Saturday, September 25th from 9–5 https://trailsandsails.org/events/grand-army-of-the-repoublic-of-lynn-hall-museum-open-house/

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GAR Groundbreaking, Monday, May 6, 2024

Join the City of Lynn and its Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Trustees at 58 Andrew St., Lynn, for an official groundbreaking on Monday, May 6 at 10:30 a.m.! Acompañe a la Ciudad de Lynn y al Comité Fiduciario del Gran Ejército de la República (GAR por sus siglas en...

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